Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus


A national Trademark application in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) should be filed directly to the national Patent Office in Turkish language.


The requirements for filing a trademark application are as follows;


  • Full name and address of the Applicant
  • Power of Attorney
    (Notarization and legalization up to Turkish Consulate is required)
  • Prints of the trademark to be protected
    (no photographs or photocopy is accepted)
  • List of goods, according to the International Nice Classification
    (Separate application has to be filed for each International Class; the lists of goods have to be translated into Turkish Language)
  • Priority document, if priority has been claimed


Registration Procedure in Brief 


After filing an application for registration in the related country, the trademark is examined in terms of formality according to the relevant national legislation.


In the absence of obstacles to the registration of any case, the registration of the trademark request is published in the official bulletin for a period of 3 months. During this time, the third person / corporation may object to the trademark application. The registration certificate is issued in the absence of any objection raised within the legal period of publication.


The protection term of trademark registration certificate is 7 years from the date of application. The registration is renewable for periods of 14 years.


A request for renewal can be made within 6 months from the last day over the term of protection upon payment of an additional renewal fee. If the trademark is not renewed during this period, it will become abandoned.


The trademarks which are not used for a 5 years term become vulnerable to cancellation actions based on non-use.


A national Patent application cannot be filed directly to the Patent Office of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.


However, a patent which has already been registered in the United Kingdom (UK) may also be registered in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus within three years after the grant date of the corresponding patent in the UK.


The requirements for filing a patent application are as follows;


  • Full name and address of the Applicant
  • Full name and address of the Inventor
  • Power of Attorney
    (Should be notarized and legalized or apostilled up to Turkish Consulate)
  • Patent text describing the invention which has already been granted by the Patent Office of the United Kingdom
    (Specification, abstract, claims and drawings (if any)); should be approved and stamped by the Patent Office of the United Kingdom.)
  • Patent Registration Certificate received from the Patent Office of the United Kingdom (Notarized and legalized or apostilled up to Turkish Consulate)


Registration Procedure in Brief 


National Patent Office in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus conducts a formal  examination procedure for the patent application which has already been registered in the UK. Registration Certificate is issued  in the absence of any obstacles for the registration.  The patent is protected with the rights stipulated by the laws and has diagnostic privileges in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.


The date of protection starts with the date of registration in the UK and lasts until the patent protection expiry date in this country.


A Patent is valid for 20 years from the filing date. To keep the validity of a patent application, annuities must be paid from the beginning of the 4th year anniversary of the date of application.


All kinds of registry changes on Patent Registration in the UK should also be made in the National Patent Office of TRNC.

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